With the weather set to be hot hot hot again today, and with Summer still to go, here are just a few enrichment ideas to keep your going
☆ shredded chicken (any other meat will work too), mixed with veggies and a little stock, freeze in an ice cube tray or stuff a treat ball
☆ peanut butter in a Kong/Grrrelli
☆ make a fruity smoothie, then use it to fill a treat toy, freeze in ice cubes or just top a Lickimat
☆ open up a tube of our pâté, mix a little with water and chill, give as an alternative to a meal for those that are struggling to eat in the heat, we call it pât'tea
☆ water play, if your pet likes water why not get the hose out and have a game, then leave wet so they can cool down a little more
Just remember If using peanut butter to make sure it is pet safe, either get the special pet packs, or buy a jar of 100% peanuts, no Xylitol, no danger. We use Whole Earth or Nuts about Nature
Same goes if you use any yoghurt. Plain natural yoghurt is best, no flavour, no sweetener, no problem. Check the ingredients carefully! If you are in any doubt, don't use it.
These along with the list below should help you manage your pets in the heat!
Why not tag us in your cooling ideas @luckyleadsltd
• paddling pool in the shade
• ice cubes in their water bowl, or fridge cold water
• wet a towel and pop it on a non carpeted floor for them to lay on
•fans, and maybe even a frozen bottle of water in front as DIY air con
• frozen treats, freeze a Lickimat or stuffed treat ball, make stock ice lollies with fruit or treats inside

Don't exercise them in the heat, they love you, and will do anything to make you happy! Super early morning or late evening when the temperature has dropped again.
Don't hesitate to call your vet if you have ANY concerns about their behaviour or health